I mean, BioWare has said we’d get more of the first game, right? Wrong. Role-playing – The first Mass Effect was an RPG first and a shooter second, Mass Effect 2 was a shooter with RPG elements, but I wanted to see where they’d taken Mass Effect 3. One of the first things I checked out, though, were the RPG elements.ġ. Most of the functionality seems to be there, and the shooting and cover systems have been fine-tuned to be just about perfect on the PC. I wasn’t one of the people who bought Battlefield 3 so I don’t have early access to the multiplayer, so I’ll be tackling the demo in two parts, this time focusing on the single player. It’s The Reaper invasion, and if the demo is any indication, the road to beating them is going to be rough, but a helluva lot of fun to play through. Mass Effect 3 is one of those games you know they’d either have to go big with or go home. Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /nfs/c12/h02/mnt/222827/domains//html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 64