The Warriors is an action-adventure, survival game, which focuses heavily on brawling. Upon its release, The Warriors received positive critical response. Several actors from the film itself reprised their roles to perform the voices of their original characters.
The game was influenced by Rockstar Games, introducing a substantial beat 'em up element to the gameplay. Due to the game containing strong violence, language, sexual themes, etc., the game was released with a 'Mature' rating. The story follows a street gang, the Warriors, and how they had been accused of a murder they didn't commit, and must return to their home turf in one night, though the game begins three months prior to the film's events. The game takes place in a gritty 1979 New York City. and in Europe via the PlayStation Network and Jon the PlayStation 4 via PlayStation Network. The game was released on the PlayStation 3 on in the U.S.
The console versions of the game were developed by Rockstar Toronto, while the PSP port was developed by Rockstar Leeds. The game is based on the 1979 film of the same name (which in turn, is based on the 1965 novel of the same name), and features large-scale brawling in 3D environments, interspersed with other activities, such as chase sequences. It was released on Octofor both the PlayStation 2 and Xbox, and Februfor PlayStation Portable. The Warriors is a beat 'em up video game, published by Rockstar Games.